Credit cards give you the financial freedom to handle life’s little emergencies. What you may not know, is that some items can be considered 'smart purchases' to make on your credit card, even if you have the cash to pay upfront. Below you will find some smart buys to make with your credit cards as well as credit card purchases you should avoid.
Good Uses of Credit Cards
Using credit cards for certain purchases provides a few perks and benefits worth considering, especially when it comes to protecting you, the consumer.
Appliances and Electronics
With many credit card companies offering free extended warranties for items like washing machines, refrigerators, and televisions purchased with credit cards, it may make sense to purchase those items on credit. That is especially true if you can pay the balance in full at the end of the month. You are getting an extended warranty for free without paying interest if you pay the balance in full.
Travel Plans
Vacation and business travel expenses can add up quickly. If you use your credit cards to book your hotels and travel arrangements, you may get the added benefit of a few key ingredients that add peace of mind, including things like:
- Trip cancellation coverage
- Emergency services
- Medical assistance
- Rental car insurance
- Travel insurance
While these benefits may vary somewhat from one card issuer to the next, many credit card providers offer them to remain competitive. Additionally, most credit cards provide rewards for travel plans booked through them in the form of free or discounted travel, free upgrades, and cash back.
Items to Avoid
While the items listed above may be good choices to buy with your credit card, there are also things you want to avoid buying with your credit card whenever possible. Primarily because the costs of purchasing these items with credit cards, once you count the interest, are prohibitive, like those listed below.
Household Bills
It is one thing to put smaller recurring charges you can pay off in a month on your credit card. If you can do that, that is great. However, this only works if you can repay the full balance each month. Otherwise, it becomes a growing debt thanks to interest.
Student Loan Repayments
There are less expensive options than credit cards to pay down your student loan debt. Look to income-based repayment plans or loan deferrals before resorting to using credit cards to repay the debt.
Shopping Sprees
Retail therapy may provide a momentary boost to your mood. However, when the bill comes due it may cause more stress. Use cash for those mood lightening shopping sprees and leave your plastic at home.
Credit cards have their uses. They can be vital tools in your long-term financial planning, but only if you use them responsibly. Following these tips can help.